The Women Outside the Box

I have always been the kind of woman that does the kind of things that women are not supposed to do. Bored to death by the stifling domesticity of Brownies (they had badges which basically involved making a cup of tea for fuck’s sake), I refused to join the Guides and opted for the Air…

An awkward article about racism

A black friend of mine recently posted an article to a local feminist group by John Metta about his increasing reluctance to speak to white people about race because it makes them feel uncomfortable. He talks about a white Aunt of his whose immediate response is to come to her own defence – racism is…

Never mind the ballot, it’s time for a 50:50 parliament

Along with many others, I have just returned from the polling station after exercising my democratic right to vote. I took my kids with me as they were very excited about the election. I think my daughter was a little underwhelmed when she realised that there are no flashing lights or dancers, just some disappointing…

Help! I’ve got feminist fatigue

You may have noticed but I haven’t been writing much lately. In fact, I haven’t been writing at all. I’ve been hanging out with my kids, riding my bike, running as fast as my little legs can carry me and climbing stuff. In other words, I’ve been burying my head in a mound of metaphorical…

What on earth would Orwell think? Universities, no platforming and that letter.

On Sunday, the Guardian/Observer published a letter with an impressive list of signatories, arguing against the increasing tendency to ‘No Platform’ radical feminists at Universities in the UK. Some of the examples given have since been disputed, but the principle remains the same and those that signed were defending the right to debate and rational…

Ha, Ha, Fucking Ha: Why the Return of Page 3 is No Laughing Matter

Sometimes I wish that I didn’t check Twitter as soon as my fuzzy morning head is able to competently operate a smart phone. That way, I wouldn’t have been confronted with the news of the return of Page 3 over my porridge. It seems that my little victory jig was somewhat premature – normality has…

The Death of Page 3

With the announcement of the glorious victory of the No More Page 3 campaign comes the inevitable backlash from the liberal media bemoaning the loss of freedom such ‘censorship’ involves. Whilst purporting to be anti- page 3 themselves, journalists and commentators crawl out of the woodwork to fret about the implications such a move may…

Is Sex Work?

Last year a friend of mine suggested that prostitution was analogous to the domestic service industry, arguing that poor pay and conditions and trafficking can be an issue in both sectors and as such, feminists should be campaigning to decriminalise prostitution and improve conditions for sex workers. I had recently attended the first Women’s Conference…