Never mind the ballot, it’s time for a 50:50 parliament

Along with many others, I have just returned from the polling station after exercising my democratic right to vote. I took my kids with me as they were very excited about the election. I think my daughter was a little underwhelmed when she realised that there are no flashing lights or dancers, just some disappointing…

The right to say no – a short story about consent.

There’s been a lot of talk about consent lately. If anything positive comes out of the Ched Evans case, then it’s a greater awareness of the law around sexual assault, in particular, the seemingly revolutionary idea that if someone is too drunk to consent then it’s rape. I must confess that this case has increased…

The Invisible Woman: Why is Hollywood so Obsessed with Men?

If I’d have predicted how much the Bechdel Test would ruin my enjoyment of cinema, then I might rather not have known about it. For those of you who remain blissfully ignorant, it’s a simple way of thinking about the way that women are represented in whatever film you happen to be watching, thereby ruining…

Ha, Ha, Fucking Ha: Why the Return of Page 3 is No Laughing Matter

Sometimes I wish that I didn’t check Twitter as soon as my fuzzy morning head is able to competently operate a smart phone. That way, I wouldn’t have been confronted with the news of the return of Page 3 over my porridge. It seems that my little victory jig was somewhat premature – normality has…

The Death of Page 3

With the announcement of the glorious victory of the No More Page 3 campaign comes the inevitable backlash from the liberal media bemoaning the loss of freedom such ‘censorship’ involves. Whilst purporting to be anti- page 3 themselves, journalists and commentators crawl out of the woodwork to fret about the implications such a move may…

The Problem with Porn

I sometimes struggle remembering what I did  yesterday but the details of the first porn film I ever watched have stayed with me. I knew my brother had somehow managed to procure a dirty video and I also knew that if I was careful I could watch it quietly in the living room when nobody…