The Invisible Woman: Why is Hollywood so Obsessed with Men?

If I’d have predicted how much the Bechdel Test would ruin my enjoyment of cinema, then I might rather not have known about it. For those of you who remain blissfully ignorant, it’s a simple way of thinking about the way that women are represented in whatever film you happen to be watching, thereby ruining…

Ha, Ha, Fucking Ha: Why the Return of Page 3 is No Laughing Matter

Sometimes I wish that I didn’t check Twitter as soon as my fuzzy morning head is able to competently operate a smart phone. That way, I wouldn’t have been confronted with the news of the return of Page 3 over my porridge. It seems that my little victory jig was somewhat premature – normality has…

“She’s let herself go a bit hasn’t she?”

I have a confession to make: I am a feminist and I am on a diet. Not the kind of diet with sins or points or one where you have to pay someone to humiliate you in front of a room full of people every week, but the kind where you just decide to cut…

Beyond the Binary

As a feminist I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about gender. I have generally seen gender as an oppressive social construct that tries to put us in neat little pink and blue boxes. So, you like lipstick and dresses and hair extensions, you must belong over here with the girls, and you like…